My blog was initially written for my friends and relatives during my Exchange program / Erasmus in India. More than 200 posts later, this blog provides a mix of advices, information, pictures and personal experiences...
My readership is a lot more diverse than expected. While I was counting on tourists, expatriates and exchange students willing to learn more about India, I was positively surprised by the amount of comments left on my blog by Indians/locals. In addition, this blog gave me the opportunity to join the Belgian official delegation in Bangalore.
Thank you all for visiting!
Update: 15 years have passed since starting this blog. Posts have now been archived.
Thank you all for visiting!
Update: 15 years have passed since starting this blog. Posts have now been archived.
Somehow I expected to find your name and photo here :-)
Great find, Jude!!
Yeah I was hoping for the same after I opened the link.
Also the comparison at the end of the article is eye-opening.
So nice of you to drop by my blog but it has moved to a new location
Why don't you think about working in India for a short while?
Eliz.. Kudos!! your blog was awesome!! India is a land of diversifed people , culture... You can see from Hi-fi to Worst.. It's india.. :-) C u again in india..
r u getting enough money through the commercials? i'll ask all my frnds to visit this blog n click on the ads to help u come back to india.
bon boulot, ce pti blog! j ai lu ton message sr le site du routard et j'en ai profité pr faire un pti détour par ton blog... pas mal! bonne continuation...
Coucou miss! Fait plaisir que tu sois de retour en Belgique... L'Inde pétille encore dans tes yeux.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I will go in detail later on your writeups when I have the time.I have been a student of International management insitute and would love to get an insight into how IIMs function.
There are some things that only work experience can teach. Just as pace bowlers in cricket gradually concentrate on swing rather than pace, it is quality that matters. I wonder how you manage so many blogs.
thanks for your comment in my photoblog
wentthrough your blog and it was quite interesting. All the bets ofr your future.
Ps: you better remove the text message (CLICK ON THE COMMERCIAL LINKS ABOVE (AND IN THE SIDEBAR)in your blog. Otherwise you might get banned from google adsense soon.
How did u find Orissa. In case you are traveling again to this part of India, let me know if you need any help/info.
Bcp de blogs inintéressants... le tien sort du lot! bravo! je pars bientot en inde et je me sens parée pr l aventure après evoir lu tes conseils. bonne continuation... yves
how is my (ever/over)busy girl doing? guess where I am? China! ;o) hope to meet u over there...
i read ur blog and u seem to have fully enjoy india. great! i m thinking about doing an Mba. why not in India... we ll have to talk about that. i ll call u sometimes.
keep enjoying life!
great blog, Elise!!!! Good idea to keep it alive. I am sure your advices might be useful to many. And smart insights too... Btw, you ll have to show me all the pictures you took during your journey.
See you soon!
remise de tes émotions d'hier ;o) me revoici sur ton blog. et cette fois, je laisserai même un pti mot... l'inde ne t'as pas transformée (on t'adore tjs autant ;o) ) mais à t'entendre et à te lire, tu as vécu une expérience incroyable. on attend la suite de tes aventures... ms où? chine? inde? ...
Thanks for dropping comments on my blog... Well, we can promote each other blog by exchanging links on each other blog....
To begin with, I'm adding your blog on my lnk list and hope that you will recipocrate the same way...
Mayank, delhi
hey girl! done with the building contest? u better to get some sleep before going back to India... Btw, one of my friends just came back from india. she was not as enthusiastic as u were abt it. she was just waiting to come back to her country. i sent her the address of your blog.
Keep writing! it makes me travel around the world!
Helloooo! ca faisait un bail qu'on s'était pas vu! suivre ton périble sr ton blog, c est bien. ms t'entendre de vive voix, c'est mieux!
coucou miss! faut que tu trouves un moyen de promouvoir ton blog! penses a tout ces pooovres voyageurs qui seront déboussolés si ils n ont pas l'occasion de lire ton blog avant le départ... ;o) plus sérieusement, t'as franchement fait du bon boulot et il y en a pour tout les gouts.
waouw! i wish i had ur patience! i gave up on my blog... long ago! oups, je repasse au français... je trouve plus mes mots. honnetement, ton blog me donne envie de partir en Inde. Malgré les tres nombreux conseils... que je suivrai bien sur à la lettre. ;o)
Hey Elise! How is life back in Belgium? Great insights on our wonderful country. You wud deserve to be an Indian ;o) Missing you.
Recoucou! J'en connais un qui doit être très malheureux de t'avoir (temporairement) perdu! J'ai vu sa photo sr ton (magnifique, grandissime, génial ;o) ) blog... Vs gèrez cmt?
hey girl! Dreaming to go back? ;o) I m glad u love(d) the country. I personally didn't like it. I was maybe too young when i went there and didnt adapt to it. Should i give it one more try?
I love ur enthusiasm! But is it really all abt India? Dont u think that u wud have enjoyed ur exchange anyway? In every single country of the world? U obviously love to travel and r highly flexible. Think abt it before making any long-term India.
Hi Eliz! u shud make a blog abt Belgium for us! Sometimes ur advices seem a bit odd to me. i guess it s because i was born here and know the country well enough. we dont need to be so careful abt things ;o)anyway, great blog! keep writing and dont forget to start a new one abt belgium. I dont want to be completely lost when i come to visit u...
Hi girlette! a lire ton blog, t'as adoré! faudra que tu m'emmenes avec toi pr ton prochain voyage! tu m'as presque convaincu qu'apres tt les ptites bêtes, les maladies... ce n'est qu'un détail et que ca ne doit pas etre un frein au voyage. tiens moi au courant...
terrible ton blog! Jolies photos. Apparemment y a au moins un nom
indien que t'auras pas trop de mal à retenir... ;-)
Si ton agenda chargé a toujours une case vide pour vendredi soir, à bientôt
waouw! j'aurais pas supporté le conservatisme indien dans le domaine de l'amour/sexe... Semblerait que tu aies survécu ;o)
Hey babe! missing u... what's new in belgium... i keep checking ur blog. But no more pics of u! hw come? i cant wait for u to come back in india. tell me when and where and i ll wait for u at the entrance gate of the airport.
I went to Bordeaux from IIM B on exchange.. Reached ur blog through ur comment on my blog.. i have been to several places in Europe, thanks to this exchange program..
Exciting blog! u must have some superpowers not to have been sick in india... ;-) i dont know anyone else who survived to all the germs. anyway, keep smiling and let's meet sometimes. havent seen u for months!
Hi Elise! Hw is my international girl doing? Busy life as usual? Let me know when we can meet! til then... let s read ur blog which, i admit, is quite interesting!
ca m'a fait super plaisir de recevoir ton mail. et je confirme j'ai passé le premier round d'interviews! ;o) au fait, tu ne m avais jms donné ton adresse de blog auparavant. erreur! du beau pti blog bien sympa et informationnel. je regrette juste que le bloc de texte a droite foute le camp en bas...
Ca me fait plaisir d'entrer en contact avec toi, je te l'ai dit, ton blog m'a impressionnée, et je me suis un peu reconnue en ce qui
concerne ma relation avec mon ami indien. Ce serait sympa qu'on se voit un de ces jours sur Bangalore.
eh ben je n'aurai qu'une seule phrase en lisant ton bloc Elise : je t'envie...tous ces voyages, ces découvertes, c'est maintenant qu'il faut les faire...
tu auras bcp de mal a revenir en Belgique j'ai l'impression!
allez éclate toi bien et a la prochaine
j'avoue que j'ai été impressionnée: quel travail! il est vraiment trés bien fait et
trés complet!j'ai bien pris note de tous ces conseils. en fait, je pars demain matin pour l'Inde, j arrive à Bombay et je pense prendre un train pour chennai et ensuite remonter la côte pour retourner à bombay, j ai un
mois pour ca. mon départ est donc demain matin et là je commence quand même à "stresser" un pars seule:es-ce que tu penses que ca craint? je me dis que non mais on sait jamais!si tu pouvais me dire ce que tu en
penses ou s'il y a certains trucs à faire ou pas..(je sais qu il faut faire gaffe au niveau des vêtements mais aprés...).
Je te dis un grand merci d'avance!
PAS DE PANIQUE! Tout se passera bien... je dois qd même avouer que mumbai est la seule ville que je n ai pas aimé en inde. Simple raison: on est arrivé au mois d'août. Il y avait manifestement des rassemblements de fanatiques anti-britanniques (extension à tous les blancs). Donc, mal tombé...
Des conseils? Si tu as bien lu mon blog, tu dois déjà tout savoir ;o)
-précautions classiques pr l'eau et les aliments non cuits
-essaye d'avoir l air sure de toi.
-apprend qq mots d'hindi.
-regardent les gens ds les yeux lorsqu'ils te parlent a toi, pas lorsqu'ils parlent a ton portefeuille. Donc ne te retourne pas lorsqu'on t'appelle pour te vendre un produit ou pour mendier. Ce n’est pas évident au début. Surtout lorsqu'un jeune enfant s'accroche a toi pr obtenir qq pièces. Persiste! Ne te retourne pas, ne le regarde pas.
--> Ne sois pas parano et profite pleinement de ton voyage!
Plutôt super sympa ton blog sur l'Inde !...
Je me suis permis de le mettre dans ma page de liens de mon site sur l'Inde...
Dommage qu'il ne soit pas en français...
Mais bon...
Bonne continuation !...
et ...
... Instituteur
Salut elise
jai regarde ton site sur l'Inde. ca fait plaisir de voir qu'il y a des gens comme moi! Je ne sais pas si t'as deja prevu d'y vivre, mais moi je fais tout pour et c'est la lutte grave!! je suis ds le secteur des biotechnologies, et franchement trouver un taf la bas ds cette branche c chaud! Je ne sais pas si tu es deja a Bangalore en ce moment, moi je vais a
Bombay en Juillet pr un stage a la Mission Economique francaise. Je
suis partie l'an dernier pdt 5 mois a Bangalore, c'etait top!
I came across your blog on Internet. Fantastic creation! I find myself short of adjectives to appreciate your blog. Really, it is an awesome description of India that you've put up. Great going! How is life at IIMB? I also aspire to do my MBA from some IIM someday. It is a dream. Earlier I was a undergraduate at IIT Roorkee.
I hope all your dreams come true. Wish you a great future.
Hi elsie,
This is with reference to the comment you made on my blog which is very relevant in that we can never get an international experience until we provide international exposure. Probably accepting GMAT scores at the IIMs would be a good idea.
I think the main problem here is the sheer number of people who try to get in through CAT. There would be no way to compare CAT n GMAT since their scoring (CATs based on percentile n is a yearly affair while GMAT is a score valid for a longer period(5 years i thnk)) which is why the difficulty.
Also unlike private bschools, the IIMS don't have professionals running their recruitment/placements n all, just faculty n bureaucracy. They really don't try and probably feel that they don't need to attract students.
Probably one solution could be making CAT an international affair. International exchange is one right step in this regard, but isn't enuff.
I guess my blog reflects my views on reservation, it will be a pity if this rule ever comes into force.
Best wishes for your life in India n do drop in if you visit Mumbai.
Thanks, guys, for reading and commenting on my blog! tc
You DO blog big time. Counted 15 of them on your profile. India's crazy and we all share a love-hate relationship with her.
I did so much research on my North India trip, that I am almost an expert on the limited places that I went to. If you need any help in planning your itinerary, drop me a line. BTW, read my itinerary on my blog. Its a little run-run, scram-scram but thats how I like it - on the move !
Couldn't possibly join you. Spent all that I earned in the little time I've been working on the trip and buying the Panasonic Lumix FZ-20 a week prior to that. [:.-(]
Yeah, I can, though promise you a free-of-charge trip around Pune if you make it here.
LOL, enjoy your life and keep writing !
Where have u been? Still in complete 'i love india' delirium? If you are at least partly in belgium, try to drop at my place for my bday party... the words "india", "indian", "jaan", "hindi", "hindu", etc etc are banned for the occasion... you BETTER to BE there! tc... miss u
Elise qui fonce tête baissée vers l'inconnu! ou plutot, devrais je dire la tete haute et les yeux grands ouverts? A bientot dans notre petite belgique... moi, perso, je m'y attache à mon pays.
hey Elise !!
Which of your blogs do you update regularly? You've got a dozen blogs and I cant seem to find the one which you update everyday.
This blog is my main blog... the other ones simply link to this one...
Have been quite busy these days which would explain why I dont regularly publish new posts. What's more, I dont always publish in chronological order to keep some coherence (real chronological order of events, updates on some posts, etc). In other words, there might be new posts a bit everywhere on the blog.
Anyway, I ll catch up soon...
je suis tombée par hasard sur ton blog et souhaitant partir bientot en Inde, j'ai lu tes conseils et expériences avec attention...
parfois, je me demandais quelle genre de personne tu pouvais bien être pour surmonter tout ça. N'as tu jamais eu peur ou été déstabilisée? te retrouver seule en plein milieu de la nuit dans une gare indienne au milieu de nulle part, rencontrer en personne des gens que tu avais rencontré sur internet, aller dans des familles... Seule et en tant que fille...
Perso, je partirai avec des amis et le séjour sera plutot du type touristique... je pense que l'adaption au pays sera déjà difficile en tant que telle pour ne pas en plus m'aventurer dans l'inconnu.
I love this blog. For some reason, I'm not able to leave a comment on the main comments page. Anyways, great blog. I'm from Bangalore and miss being there so much. Do check out my blog when you get a chance.
Helloooooooooooo! Just dropping a few words on your great blog... was really surprised to see that you could use html code ;o) remember that C++ thing with which u were stuggling a few years back... keep it up! btw do u plan to have a goodbye party before going back to India?
Hmmm... well, the basic template of this blog was found on blogger. But true, I ve made quite a few little changes... Would love to learn more abt HTML code (and any other programming language) but still need to find a really patient teacher.
Great job!!! glad to see that some foreigners have a real interest for India. You are honest, objective, pationnate... India is not perfect but our country is worth loving.
Hi Elise,
Am glad u stopped by my blog. got a chance to find out about yours. Visited only this one (hv yet to chk out the long list on your profile page). Am going to link yours to mine. Good posts. Clear and yet not "opiniated"!
thanks for ur comments on my post!
yeah - the road ahead seems pretty tough and interesting.
Really glad to see ur love on india :)
thanks for dropping in...loved the desi/pardesi post...
Impressive blog!! Informative and entertaining at the same time. You found the perfect mix.
Nous allons ouvrir une boulangerie française à Bangalore d'ici le mois de Novembre, je me charge de l'étude de marché concernant les expatriés.
Je cherche à rencontrer le maximum de français et d'européens afin de cibler au mieux leurs goûts et attentes concernant les produits liés à la boulangerie.
Peut être aurais tu des contacts sur Bangalore ou toi même voudrais tu entrer en contact avec moi afin d'en discuter (ne t'inquiète pas ce ne sera pas du harcèlement, il y aura même peut être de la dégustation de croissants !) ?
Voici mon adresse mail : (nous vivons bien évidemment à Bangalore)
You WONT be blogging anymore? Never again? That seems like a major step. Maybe you will take away a little part of life away from your readers who have come to know you from your blog and have gladly assimilated both into their lives in some way or the other.
If you do intend to stop blogging altogether, do write a goodbye post and tell us all where you are and what you are doing now.
Eliz.. Kudos!! your blog was awesome!! India is a land of diversifed people , culture... You can see from Hi-fi to Worst.. It's india.. :-) C u again in india..dont forget Cricket
Hey it was great going through your blog. I wish you can come back to India :)
I have started this project called PostIndia with my gf and I would really appreciate if you could offer your views and experiences.
Hi, I came in from the Blogtoplist. I found your blog just a few ranks above mine.
I am doing my engg in Mumbai. It was fun reading a blog by an exchange student.
Too bad you won't be posting anymore. :-)
Your blog seems to be a store house of information on India.Very informative and interesting.I really liked spending time here. Do stop by my blog and lemme know how you like it.Cheers!!
its really nice blog
nice to read ur blog
Not an anonymous but the blog author!! Username is not working right now...
Thanks for all your comments! As you might have noticed, I've started blogging again... Not as intensively as before but when I have the time to drop a line or two!
tc and keep smiling!
elise .. howdy ? howz life in Delhi.. u said u gonna give ur new number .. ??? keep in touch da ; Pavan 'ere !
Nice blog!! You have provided some great information in this blog.
Once upon a lifetime in kerala
Thanks Eliz for dropping by on my blog..
Liked that post on eve teasing a lot
Keep up the good work
Cheers !!
Hey Elise,
nice to see that ur back to modifying ur blog.
i stumbled across ur blog sometime in april 2007, and read almost all ur posts..i must say u've got a flair for writing, so do not chuck the idea of blogging altogether...i mean all it takes is justa post once in a while...
I commented on ur blog a few times via my blogger id, so when i saw hits from belgium.
I liked the post about desi and the pardesi ....and your takes on India..u did a good job..
And yeah MBA education in india is very good, but still a lot bookish .GMAT is a much better option for people who'd like a global perspective on things....
and yeah i've added you to my blogroll...
Keep up the goodwork...
cheers and Happy New Year..!!!
interesting blog... my friend and i been wanting to go to india for a while now... hopefully we'll do it this year for sure...
maybe i might even go for MBA program there.. who knows!
Nice blog!
Great job! glad to see that some foreigners have a real interest for India. You are honest, keep smiling
I came to ur blog twice in this week and found some impressions about India very interesting.
Can I repeat some of them [of course, giving due credit to your blog and giving also a link to here] in my blog. My blog [], started recently, is an effort to help foreigners with information and advice. I want to enrich it with genuine first impressions, especially of foreigners.
You may like to email me your response at
Nice blog, please read mine on India.
nice info due..:D
Very interesting posts.I also have a travel blog on various tribes of India. Hope you enjoy reading it. Also let me know if you are looking for mutual link exchange.
Mr Travel.
Please visit: Tribes of India
Nice blog! :) I love India too and have been in Rajasthan twice []. I would also like to study there but i am too old now! ;)
Good stuff to read... And can you tell why there is a special section for Orissa on your pages?
Hi Deepak,
Spent 10 days in Orissa.. Had to write about my trip!
I wanted to let you know that we here at Lexiophiles [] and think your blog is great and therefore we have included you in our competition to find the best International Exchange and Experience blog for 2009 (also know as IX 09, just to make it easier!) Congratulations! Read all about the competition over on our blog (Lexiophiles!) and make sure you get all your family, friends and readers to vote for you to be in with a chance to win one of our awesome prizes! Any questions, feel free to email me – erin (at)
Thanks, and congratulations again!
Thanks for your comments!
hey wonderful idea for a blog. why not use your gift of words here:
a TRAVEL forum with special focus on eco-friendly traveling :)
write about India there too :)
Just hooked on your blog. I moved to LA when I was 8 but my love for India never ceased. I've visited frequently and each time I come back, all I can think of is that place...24/7. It takes a while to get it out of your system and even then it never really does. I first read your posts a few years back and followed your journey for a few months. I needed to satisfy "India" craving this afternoon so I came back for more- I'm addicted - it's ridiculous. Maybe it's your spirit, or India's...or both, over the internet?? Looks like you've slowed down recently with blogging. Are you still in India?
What inspires you to write about India?
Good one though...
india is my fivorite country
Erasmus certainly is a great programme. I am an Indian who learnt French for years and finally got to visit France and live in Denmark (a part of the world I always dreamt off) thanks to Erasmus. Do join
The reason why I visit your blog is because I spent 10 months in India and fell in love with the people there, so reading your blog helps me re-live that. And actually I took some photographs while I was there to try and capture the spirit of India and thought I would share with you in case you recognise the places or share the same experience of 'indian life' :-)
Look forward to reading more!
Matthieu :)
I'm about to go to India, Mumbai, for a 3 months internship. I, however, do not know anything about this place (apart from the obvious Wiki-stuff), don't know anybody or anything (apart from the company's people which I have never met either).
Could you, perhaps, give me some European student organisations or cafés or something where it would be possible for me to make friends more easily?
Thank you,
Tom De Latte
Hi, why have you stopped to post in this beautiful blog...its nice to see India from the eyes of a foreigner. As we Indians travel across the globe, we do lot of study and comparison to bring back good things to India..sharing your perscpective helps...
Not in India anymore which explains the lack of new posts.
But still appreciate your comments! :o)
Tom, Sorry I can't help as I didn't spent much time in Mumbai.
That's ok. have arrived sound and well a couple of weeks ago and have started a blog myself! Probably not as eloquent as yours, nor will I be able to last as long. But I deserve an E for Effort anyway ...
interesting article
Eye opening, no wonder we love India! What else is there to love?
What a great blog, keep it up.
Jason Lee
great that you like india!
Nice blog, Elise, best thought to keep it alive. I am sure your advices might be useful to many. And smart insights too. Btw, you ll have to show me all the pictures you took during your journey
Link Exchange. I am giving your link.
you Give mine...
nice blog...go ahead to help the world to explore the glory of India..
Car Hire Liverpool
If I may post a link about erasmus exchange programme ->
take a look at this forum if you need some information:
erasmus study abroad forum
Or here for general information:
general info on erasmus programme
have fun, bye! ;)
HI, If anyone needs info on erasmsu exchange in general you may want to take a look here:
erasmus information
wow your blog is really nice!
Hi there! Great India travel blog. I work for a website called Oddizzi that aims to bring the world to life for primary school children and we desperately need short videos of life in India. Do you have any you would like to share with us. If it's good stuff then we can of course pay for your help. Ideally we want short clips with no narration of real life in India. Please let me know if you have anything or would be interested in doing anything in the future. Feel free to email me at Thanks in advance!!
How did u find Orissa. In case you are traveling again to this part of India, let me know if you need any help/info.
pnr status
good explanation about indian tradation.
nice info dude..
Nice blog. Great looking at things from a different perspective. Please keep writing. Will be back for more.
Im from Chennai India i like the way you described India
Hey, check also this blog about erasmus in Europe: erasmuser blof
have fun all ;)
oops, typo. I meant to write: erasmuser BLOG and not blof lol :)
Bharat mata ki jai...
India has lot to offer for travellers it needs to market it.
nice blog. Namaste
hey friend,
Your blog is realy awersome, because your were cover all topics in this blog. That is really very nice experince for me that i can get whole info in one place.
angline eve
Gr8 to c your love for India :) Keep writing
If you need information on erasmus study abroad stuff, please take a look here - Erasmus wiki
It's very rare to see more than 10 comments on any blog! This blog has received 137 comments before mine!
Thanks for this post and yes for this blog also. India is always best
Nice THOUGHT.....Like it....
lovely india blog
Hi! I love your blog and your exchange experience stories. I'd like to inform you about an intersting project... Could I have your contact?
Thats amazing that your blog has become so widespread! Congrats
such a great blog¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ congratulation¡¡, full of information and how is the real life there.
Moreover, we share the love for India, I was there just 3 months and spent lot of my time with Indians, and now I want to go back :)
I love your blog so I will put your link in my blog.
All the best
Thanks David! Amazing pictures on your blog!
Nice Blog I will visit agian
Great article! Are you still on exchange in India?
I am living here too in Delhi.
you can connect with india's travel facebook id here
Hello there, what an interesting, colourful and beautiful blog u wrote! Im also Belgian and Im looking to exchange friendship with indians living in Belgium, or Belgians who have developped a passion and intrest for India. Ik zou graag wat meer Belgen leren kennen die een passie voor India hebben, met een Indier samen zijn, er geweest zijn, de cultuur en taal machtig zijn, of in india geboren maar verder in belgie opgegroeid. Myself im Lizzy, 27 years old, and in a relationship with an indian guy for 2 years now, India kind of captured me and enchanted me, it wont let me go If you're interested, feel free to reply! Greetz Lizzy
Dear India Freak,
I am currently publishing an Expatriate only magazine which features small anecdotal/life and time account of foreign nationals in India. I wish to extend an invitation to you to write with us.
I circulate this magazine all over India through selective channels (of ex-pats) and wish to create as many cross connections in the country with like-minded people as possible. The response in most foreign national communities has been huge, with most associations demanding more prints.
Please let me know what you think and I am happy to send you a more formal invitation. I can email you a PDF copy(ies) for our October & November edition which we release end of this month. Its for free - I don't charge the readers anything :)
On a side note, I am looking out for expatriates who run or work with NGOs here or for that matter are running their own entrepreneurial setups so as to give them free promotion as well as create an encouraging platform for others to give India a try :) If you know of any such enterprising souls, feel free to put them in touch with me - country no bar!
Best Wishes,
Really nice informative blog..Thanks
Glad to see that some foreigners have a real interest for India.seriously amazing...
your blog was awesome! India is a land of diversified people , culture...
Good Work.
Great information about India. Keep it up
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